Saturday, July 28, 2012

well since my last post, I've had quite a few life-changing events take place! I crashed a bike off a cliff, got a really awesome job in SD working at a smaller outsourcing house, then immediately after that, I got offered a job at Respawn Entertainment!

...then I wrecked my bike again and decided to hang up my leathers until we ship the game we're working on/until I get an awesome trackday opportunity again. That way the probability of me dying before I can show off my new work goes WAY down XD

Life is crazy lol

Monday, February 6, 2012

It's been a while

It has indeed been a while since I logged in here! Oh how I've missed this clean and easy to use interface (I'm definitely not advocating anything <_<).

These are some of the good pieces that I've done over the past year.
I love C&C as always! Point out something that is wrong or that you don't like so I can fix it!

(notable that this is for an iOS game)

And here's some newer stuff that I'm currently working on. "The Morning Shift" is a multiplayer level/weapon mod for Unreal and I will push for it to be playable in Unity as well.

That's it for now, I hope to have more soon! Until then, check out my website (while it's still up lol) and my portfolio!